Spring has sprung for Steve!

Steve Harknett from Cambridge had an excellent early spring result from a tricky local syndicate water on Monday with a three fish catch. All mirrors, the biggest was a stunning looking fish weighing 25lb 6oz backed up with a couple of upper doubles weighing 19lb and 18lb 15oz respectively.

Steve Harknett from Cambridge had an excellent early spring result from a tricky local syndicate water on Monday with a three fish catch.

Steve, who works in Willow Grange Tackle near Cambridge (www.willowgrange.com) used ESP 9’ Stalker rods, which he explained he uses for all his close range work, combined with hinged stiff rigs made with 15lb ESP Bristle filament and Drennan Continental Boilie hooks. The successful hook baits were Cambridge Baits Peaches and Cream pop-ups. For more information on the ESP Stalker rods as used by Steve, click here.

Brilliant result Steve – Spring has arrived and the carp are on the munch!