Nice start on Roach Pit for Sean

Sean Leverett got off to a nice start to the season on his first trip to the Roach Pit at Ringwood. Working his way through the tench resulted in Sean eventually getting amongst carp and a couple of crackers too!

This season I decided to head down to the Ringwood area and do the bulk of my fishing on Cemex ‘s Roach Pit and so on the 25th June I made the journey down to do my first 5 night session. I arrived mid morning and after walking the lake for a good few hours finally decided to go in a swim known as Peg 37 as I had seen a few fish out in front of that swim, including a few decent ones.

After having a light lead around I opted to fish chods on two rods as there was a fair amount of silk weed and a multi rig on the other as this seemed clearer. The chods were constructed using the 20lb Bristle Filament with size11 Hi-Performance Ring Swivels and size 5 Stiff Riggers. These were running on the Choddy Silt Leadcore with the new Chod Rig Sleeves.

The multi Rig was constructed using 25lb Choddy Silt Two Tone and again a size 5 Stiff Rigger weighted using the new Tungsten Putty and were fished on Ejector lead clips and Choddy Silt Leadcore leaders.

All 3 rods were spooled up with 15lb Syncro XT mono. The two chod rigs were fished over towards the out of bounds bank on spots that I felt were suitable and these were baited with around half a kilo of the new Krill bait that I’m currently testing for Sticky baits. Matching pop-up hook baits were fished on the rigs. The remaining rod, the multi rig, was fished at medium range to a cleaner area and this rig was fished using a Stickybaits Pineapple and N’butyric yellow pop-up over a kilo of the boilie and a couple of kilos of mixed Bloodworm Extract Pellet, Pure Liquid Krill and Oily hemp.

For the first couple of days it was all about the tench as I had a few of them but even while this was going on I saw plenty of carp. After my third night though things started to change. I had a take at just after 9am and this gave me a right old scrap, it got weeded and eventually I lost it but it seemed as though the carp were now feeding on my spots and that the tench had been bullied off them.

I re- baited the spot with a further half a kilo of Krill and a few hours later I had another take. This time things went better and I soon had my first Roach Pit carp in the shape of a 27lb mirror in the net. A couple of hours later I was to have my second carp, a fish known as The Grey One and this weighed 33lb 12oz. All 3 of these bites came to the same rod. But the following morning I received a take on the long rod resulting in a common known as Black Spot at a weight of 29lb 12oz. I found out after that this was in fact the biggest common in the lake and also was one of the rarer ones.
That evening I had another common of just under 20lb and the following morning I caught a mid double. Just as I was packing up at the end of my session I had another bite which weeded me and although I was convinced I was into a carp it turned out to be a tench.

6 bites landing 5 on my first ever session on the lake, I couldn’t ask for a better start. Let’s hope there is more to come yet, time will tell..