Lee has the common touch!

Lee Collings can’t stop catching at the moment and a return to the tricky Farm syndicate and some very good angling once again produced the goods.

I thought I would send you a catch report regarding a recent capture on a 48hr session to the Fosters of Birmingham Farm syndicate i only dropped back on as a couple of my other lakes had shut for spawning and was stuck for somewhere else to go and wanted to stay local.

Usually most of my takes on this lake had come after 36 -48 hours on this lake as the fish are so spooky as no matter how quiet you are they are still aware of your presence, so I was more than surprised to land 3 fish in less than 24hrs hours 32lb 14oz 27lb 2oz and a 16lb 14oz all commons.

The only thing I had done different was to set up away from the fish and let them come to me which seemed to work.

All these fish were caught using a Long running Chod set up using all ESP components and fished Mainline Cell pop up over 10 broken freebies per rod at the bottom of a marginal shelf a 20 yards range.

Chod Rigs are one of the best methods of presenting Pop-ups over weedy, silty lake beds with lots of detritus (chod) on the bottom. ESP produces incredibly high quality ready-tied Chod Rigs. For more information, click here.