Getting on end of big wind pays off for Sean

After his recent success on Vinnetrow Sean Leverett returned to the Roach Pit in Ringwood and caught this cracking mid-thirty. Back in the groove Sean!


After the Vinnetrow fish the previous session I was hoping that my recent quiet spell on Roach Pit would soon come to an end to and this trip it did just that.

This 35lb 12oz mirror was the result of a move on to the end of a massive South/Westerly over on Roach Pit. The lake was really busy as it had been doing a few fish and with the big wind forecast the lake was busier still. I started off up the opposite end of the lake to most as I’d seen a few up in the snags but when I checked them on the second morning it was clear they had moved out and had most probably followed the wind that was now picking up.

I moved into a corner swim down on the wind and soon felt this a right move as fish were showing all over the area.

A simple chod rig was tied for each rod using 25lb Bristle Filament and size 5 Stiff Riggers on Chod Leadcore and Sticky White chocolate pop-ups were attached. These were cast with light leads out towards the showing fish and a couple of hours later the middle rod was away.

This was the only fish for me but the lake in general fished really well and I think 9 fish were out in that 24hr period.

ESP Leadcore is immensely strong with a breaking strain of around 45lbs. It’s high abrasion resistance makes it ideal for coping with heavy weed and snags while the special two tone weave provides excellent camouflage. Click here for more information.