Changes work for Kev!


A triumphant return for Kev with the 38lb 8oz common

Kev Hewitt made a successful return to Swan lake on the Bluebell complex earlier this week, here’s what happened:

‘Last year I spent the majority of my time on the bank targeting Swan lake on the Bluebell complex. It was a very successful and fruitful campaign resulting in the big mirror known as Dave slipping into my net at a whopping 53Lb 4oz.

A whole year had passed since that fateful day and in September I decided to make the two hour journey down to the famous Bluebell complex for my first trip of the year. To cut a long story short I ended up doing three nights without a sniff. I hadn’t planned on returning but now I felt like I had a score to settle. I learnt a lot from my blank and the penny quickly dropped as to where it went wrong and I found myself back at the venue the following weekend for a two night session.

With the changes implemented I felt confident of a bite or two even though I wasn’t quite in the area I fancied. In fact I had ended up in a swim I had never fished before. Having said that I was in the zone and still felt confident.


The stunning 32lb mirror

To cut a long story short I ended up having a bite both mornings with the first being an immaculate 38lb 8oz common and backed it up with a 32lb mirror on the second morning.

Hinged stiff rigs comprising ready tied ESP chod rigs and a Two-Tone coated braid boom with Double ESP big buoyant corn producing the bites over a bed of hemp, sweetcorn and 10mm Equinox boilies’.

Watch this video for more info on how Kev constructs his highly successful version of the hinged stiff rig.