Autumn action for Wes!

13.4 F2Our Belgian correspondent Wesley Mast had been getting back amongst them, this time on a syndicate venue with unknown potential, well done Wes!

‘As I’m fishing busy public lakes most of the time I occasionally love to spend time on the bank away from these places, so I purchased a ticket for a tricky syndicate lake to escape the mad crowds that visit the public domaines these days.

This venue has it all, quiet, peaceful, filled with obstacles and a fairly unknown stock, although rumours say that a handful 30’s inhabit the lake. I had only fished it twice in the past and managed to land a few fish upto mid 20’s, all pristine looking carp. Enough reason for me to go back into the unknown.

So without wasting any time I took a walk around the lake after work the following week and fancied one particular area. There is an isolated swim at the end of the lake and the next one is about 200m further down the bank so not another angler in sight and no pressure from other lines and bait.

The day before I prebaited and scattered 5kg of boillies along the far bank to get them grubbing around in the area, hoping that they would stay there until i arrived. I can tell you now, they did!

I geared up during the night and at first light I fired out the adjustable leadclip systems which were connected to the Syncro XT “Loaded” line and I was angling. After one hour I lost my first three takes due to some bad luck and angles but that didn’t stop me and I made a few tweaks rig wise and repositioned my rods. I never stop thinking about my angling situations as you can learn in every single one of them and it turned out just fine.

By the end of the day I achieved thirteen runs and landed seven of them, all breathtaking specimens. The biggest was this 31lb 6oz of immaculate common and as you could imagine I was a happy man! A good hit of fish and a 30+ on my 3rd trip into the unknown world.

All fish were caught on my ever reliable multirig made from 20lb Two-Tone (approx 15cm long), size 5 prototype Stiff Rigger hook and a critically balanced 16mm popup achieved by the ESP tungsten putty. Fished close to the deck just above the rotten leaves and twigs on the bottom. They never saw it coming 😉’