Watercraft: The whys and wherefores – Kev Hewitt

‘Watercraft’. A single diverse word that means so many different things to anglers and very little to non anglers. In fact if you looked up the word Watercraft in a carp dictionary there simply wouldn’t be enough pages to thoroughly explain the meaning. ‘Watercraft’ – a single, yet diverse word that means so many different things to anglers Anglers who begin to understand watercraft catch many fish. Anglers who are […]

A great night shot!

Kev Hewitt’s overnighter 40lb common!

As far as overnighters go, a 40lber with your best mate there is about as good as it gets… It was bank holiday weekend and the weather looked bang on for a spot of carping. I had already arranged a family weekend and Monday afternoon I found my self at Slimbridge wetland Center feeding koi and common carp in one of the ponds. Then my phone rang and it was […]

A big framed common!

Kev Hewitt – Off to a flyer!

‘It had been a long time coming but finally I was opening the golden gates of my new syndicate and as I did I was met by glorious sunshine and an expanse of water blossoming with weed. The surroundings were pretty special, nice and mature with an abundance of vegetation surrounding the well maintained pathway around the lake.’ Clearing weed can be hard work but pay off big time I […]