Stu Lennox bags up at Quarry

Stu Lennox from Newbury fished the Royal Artillery Carp Group’s match at Quarry Lake in Essex this weekend and had a right result! Here’s how he and the lads got on after their 48 hour battle.


Stu & the lads of the Royal Artillery Carp Group

It was a fantastic event on a fantastic venue. Plenty of carp were caught, 15 in total. With the scores being as follows:

1st Place: Stu Lennox – 179lb (9 fish)
2nd Place: Ian Page – 91lb 4 0z (4 fish)
3rd Place Aaron Harper – 28lb 2oz (1 Fish)

I had a couple of fish ( 21lb and 17lb) off the top on a mixture of 6mm and 11mm floating trout pellet from CC Moores using 12lb Drennan Double Strength Hooklengths.

It was my first time out on the 20lb weed green ESP Anchor braid. Used with size 7 ESP Raptor Longshanx inside a PVA bag, and drop off inline leads inside a solid PVA bag.

I spodded 5-6kg of hemp and corn at around 6pm and left it for 4hrs to let the fish get their confidence up. Upon casting out three solid bags over the top fished tight together on a 12ft clear spot in the Canadian weed it only took an hour before the first rod rattled off. This pattern continued for the remainder of the event, with 5 fish over 20lb and the remainder being upper doubles.