Steve Bags Big Pit Stunner!

Cambridgeshire based Steve Harknett had a right result recently and sent us this report, well done Steve looks like some proper effort in locating the fish was well rewarded:


Here’s a recent one for you a 35lb 4oz mirror from a big gravel pit, the biggest mirror in the lake. Caught on a hinged stiff link using size 4 ESP stiff riggers, 25lb stiff bristle and 20lb amnesia, helicopter style on an original camo leadcore leader and a 1.5oz lead. The ESP Syncro XT stood up to a right battering as the fish went ploughing over gravel bars and through reed beds! Proper tough line!!


I tempted the fish in a quiet, shallow back bay of the lake during a short session, did about 4 laps of the lake in chest waders to find them! Walking through massive reed beds disturbing bitterns and marsh harriers and all sorts of wildlife!! The bait was a Cambridge Carp Baits Peaches & Cream Pop up, fished on its own. Very pleased with it as it was my first bite from the lake and it is the most desirable fish I have seen for quite a while.

All the best,

Steve Harknett

For more information on ESP Syncro XT monofilament, check out this excellent video.