Pressure? What pressure?!

Kev Hewitt returned to Linear’s Manor Farm lake at the weekend, this time to perform for the cameras for a forthcoming Linear Fisheries DVD. So the pressure was on…


The mint looking 30lb 9oz common

‘Picture this, you get a phone call in November from Linear Fisheries Head Bailiff Roy Parsons. “Kev, can you film for the Linear DVD on Manor on Sunday May 10th?” Of course I was not going to say no. I have been fishing Manor on and off for over 12 years now and just prayed that on the day of the filming it would all go to plan.

I wanted to fish the car park swim as its my favourite area of the lake but Chris Blunt had other ideas and wanted me in the Brown Swim as it was a lot more open and easier to film. The noise of passing cars made the road bank out of the question so the brown swim it was. I wasn’t going to complain as I have had a number of good fish from the swim in the past and besides, I knew the spot like the back of my hand. So the week before I get the rods out in the garden at home and get them all clipped up to the 104 yard spot.

I arrived at the lake after work at 6.30pm on Saturday and spombed a full bucket of bait onto the spot. My usual simple mixture of Hemp, corn and 10mm Equinox boilies.

Then I dispatched three rigs over the top comprising of an ESP size 7 ready made chod rig with a 6 inch Strip- Teaze Two Tone boom section to create a hinged stiff rig. Hookbaits were all 10mm equinox pop ups tipped with ESP plastic corn which had been soaked in Betalin. The fish were on it straight away and I received my first take in under an hour.
During the night I lost a couple of fish and landed a tench but when the cameras turned up in the morning it seemed the carp Gods looked down on me and smiled. The day couldn’t really have gone any better and I ended up with eight carp for the cameras including some nice twenties, an immaculate 30Lb 9oz common and topped the filming off with a 36Lb 2oz mirror known as Pin Head.


Pin Head at 36lb 2oz

It really was job done and hopefully the Linear DVD which is due out at the end of the year will give a insight into my fishing and give everyone some pointers on how to get bites and get amongst those big girls on the linear complex’.

Tight lines, Kev Hewitt

Kev just can’t stop catching on his version of the Hinged Stiff Rig. In this video he shows exactly how to tie it.