Jo’s Fox Pool Fully

A change of venue from Longfield Road Lake to the neighbouring Fox Pool paid off in style for Jo Green last week. Here’s what happened:

Due to the fish spawning on the Road Lake, I headed next door to Fox Pool, a little frustrated with the tench – I had managed to catch 10 of them in the four nights I had
done since the start – however the conditions seemed perfect so was hopeful I would manage to catch a Fox Pool carp.

Using an ESP Ready Tied Chod Rig (with a size 7 hook) and an ESP Leadcore Chod Leader, I chose to fish one of the corners as I saw quite a few carp drifting in and out. Although it involved a tricky cast, the baits landed perfectly under the low canopy and the traps were set.

Then just before 4am the next morning, the right hand rod gave a single bleep and the tip bent around. After a battle trying to stop the fish getting to the snags, my first Fox Pool carp was in the net – a stunning fully-scaled, and I was very happy to be off the mark on this historic venue.


Jo’s Fox Pool Fully