Dark One for Drakey!

Mark Drake has been putting in the hard yards on the Roach Pit in Ringwood this year and his continued efforts were well rewarded last week with the capture of one of the lake’s jewels. The Bristol big carp specialist gave us the lowdown on a memorable winter capture:

‘I was sat in work nearing the end of my night shifts taking a sneaky peak at the weather and following on from the first two real back to back frosts it showed a slight change in wind direction and with it lots of drizzly rain and warmer temperatures at night.

I remember thinking this might just be the window for a chance and might just kick them into gear. Having finished work at 7am I made the short trip home to load the car ready for the two hour drive down south traffic depending, but due to school runs and the never ending road works I eventually arrived at the gates just before midday. Bonkers!!!

Having fished the previous week I had a rough idea of the area I needed to be in as I had seen a few shows in a certain area but although nothing had occurred that trip I knew I was close. I decided to make my usual walk round the lake but not seeing anything of any significance I finally ended up in the plot I had finished the last trip.

I sat at the front of the swim scanning the water watching for any activity and seeing if the birds would give me any clues to their whereabouts. I couldn’t help notice a group of four tuffties circling a certain spot over and over every now and again tilting their heads and peering down as though something was catching their eye. Then all of a sudden they parted in different directions squawking as they went quickly followed by a dark mirror slipping out silently and back in again sending up a big set of bubbles as it made its way down into the deep water and bang on an area I placed a hookbait the week before, Bingo!!!

With rods still marked from my previous trip it made easy work in placing my hookbaits back on the spots one of which was where I had seen the fish show and on feeling the lead down in that particular area it was very clear it had been fed on as it went down with a solid donk from the previous silty bottom. The house was sorted and up and kettle on just as the storm clouds rolled in from the coast as forecast and the first droplets of rain started to fall and with light fading fast I knew it wouldn’t be long before my night shifts and long drive would catch up with me and some much need sleep was needed.


‘the storm clouds rolled in from the coast as forecast and the first droplets of rain started to fall’

It wasn’t long before that sleep was broken when one of my rods let out a few beeps and on looking out I could see my bobbin pulling up tight and holding, boots were quickly on and pulling into the fish it was very clear it was a pesky tench which was not ideal in the worsening conditions. I finally managed to pass out around 7ish before being woken by something I can only describe as something like a small hippo falling into his watering hole and on scampering out to see where it had fallen in I was buzzing to see it was right over my left hand rod and just where I caught the tench from.

Knowing I wasn’t getting much sleep after what had just fell in I decided to stay up and listen for more signs and it wasn’t long before another fish showed close to one of my other rods before the rain got harder and it was almost impossible to hear anything so the old kettle was recharged.

As I sat there staring out in to the darkness my left hand rod signalled a few sharp bleeps and the bobbin quivered slightly, unsure whether a leaf had hit my bobbin or weed had collected on my line in the storm I gazed at it momentarily before the bobbin cracked the butt and I watched the line ping out of the clip and the tip pull down hard and an autumn fight was in full swing. As always on Roach Pit the stock put up a very good account of themselves and after a good battle and soaked to the bone I was finally looking down at my prize and all thoughts of no sleep had now been erased.

With the fish now safely weighed at 35.10 and identified as The Dark One and popped in the retainer I made a call to my good friend Crofty and informing him of the news he replied “I’m on my way” what a legend.


The Dark One 35lb 10oz

Photos done and a fresh change of clothes I was now able to chill out with a brew and it really goes to show that Effort really does equal Reward’.

Successful rigs were helicopters comprising of new leadcore and 18lb Soft Ghost hooklink tied D rig style using size 5 stiff riggers tipped off with PGB scopex/spice 12mm and ESP eucalyptus/cream 12mm combo tipped off with maggot.