Floater fishing in November?! Darryl Dunn does!

Darryl Dunn sent us a rather unusual report today, not the sort of thing you would usually expect in November but with the unseasonably mild weather we’ve been having, Darryl has been doing a bit of floater fishing. Excellent angling! Here’s Darryl’s story:

‘This has been a very unusual year for me on the fishing front. It has been very fragmented due to family commitments and the fact that I have been helping a good friend of mine with the renovation of a lovely little local estate lake.

Often my fishing has had to be condensed into a few hours here and there between playing “dads Taxi’s”

One of the advantages of working down at the lake quite a bit is the fact that you get a real for the moods of the place. It soon became clear this autumn that the unseasonably mild weather still had the fish using the upper layers a lot and they were still very very active.

On the way to the lake the day before halloween I grabbed a bag of mixers from the garage before leaving home. On arrival I pulted a liberal helping out before getting on with the work on the lodge we are finishing. Within 5 minutes they were taking mixers quite confidently. surprisingly enough tools were downed and we spent a good hour watching and feeding them. Soon a plan was being made to come down the following day and catch a Halloween Floater caught fish.


A lovely old heavily scaled Linear.


And another one! Darryl takes advantage of the late October sunshine.

It didn’t take too long before I was slipping the net under a lovely upper double linear, followed later in the day by another linear, this time just into 20lb and old as the hills.

These were all taken on my usual set up of a Drennan controller, 8lb double strength and a size 9 super specialist barbel hook.

A great deal of fun was had and it also planted the sead of an idea in my head. I’ve caught fish off of the top from early spring right up until October, but I’d never had a November floater capture.


Early November – off the top!

Well I have now!! And I’ve not written off the idea of a December one yet. Watch this space’.