Surface action for Kev at Linear!

Kev Hewitt from Hinders enjoyed a superb days fishing on the Linear Fisheries complex. Kev travelled light and set his Stall out to catch some carp off the top…

I pulled into the main car park at 8am and there was a gentle breeze creating a steady ripple on the surface. I first looked at St. Johns and saw a few fish roll off the road back. With closer inspection I could see a few backs out of the water in the slack water off the back of the wind so gathered my floater gear and rushed round to the nearest empty swim.


raptor-bigT-barbless-packed-cdI set up my spod rod first and put out half a Spomb of mixed 6mm and 11mm floating Trout pellets. The mixers drifted down wind for about five minutes before the first fish came up. A few moments later two or three fish were really having it. They were taking about 80 yards out, a distance that is just about achievable with a 20g Drennan controller float and the ESP Floater rod. I blasted the controller just past the fish and drew it back into the vicinity. It wasn’t long before my CCMoore duo floater hookbait was snaffled up and I was connected with my first fish of the day.An upper double fully scaled mirror being the culprit, well and truly nailed on the size 10 Big-T.

Over the next couple of hours I managed to nick another two fish to 23lb 8oz all at around 80 yards. The fish wouldn’t drift in any closer and as the wind picked up the floaters drifter further out and the fish followed them beyond my casting range so I packed up and headed to Oxlease.

Kev's 23lb 8oz kipper from Oxlease

Kev’s 23lb 8oz kipper from St. Johns

The lake was busy and I didn’t think I was going to be able to get on the fish but one of the few pegs free was a really overgrown swim up in the far corner on the grassy bank. I saw a few fish cruising when the wind dropped and they were only about 30 yards out. I rushed back to the van and grabbed my floater gear. I put half a Spomb of floaters out and the first fish was on it instantly. I cast my controller just off the back of the bait and within 10 seconds of my hookbait hitting the water it was swallowed up and I was in.

It was the perfect start and as I netted it I knew it was a decent size. The scales revealed she weighed 28lb 2oz. I missed 3 takes in my next 3 casts before hooking another 6 fish and landing 4 including a nice looking warrior of 24lb 8oz. All of the action had come in less than two hours but the fish moved and that was my last chance of a bite on Oxlease.

An old Oxlease Warrior at 24lb 8oz

An old Oxlease Warrior at 24lb 8oz

I headed over to Hunts corner, a lake I have never actually fished before. The lake was still and covered in blossom. I wandered round the lake and there was only one swim free so I put a Spomb of mixers out to see if there were any fish around. It didn’t take long before the first pair of lips broke the surface and once again first cast I was hooked into to my fish Hunts carp. A short while later and a stunning mid double was in the bottom of the net. I battled the bird life over the next hour and managed to hook and land another mid double before all went quiet.

Time was running out but I popped over to Hardwick for half an hour but couldn’t get on the fish. I ended the day session having landed 10 carp in total.
