Surface Stunner for Lewis!

An excellent bit of stalking by 14 year old Lewis Wilson resulted in this lovely old mirror – excellent angling!


‘It was a bright sunny Saturday morning and after a quick walk round the lake I decided to set up my gear in swim 17 which controls the middle section of the lake. After having a couple of high doubles fishing on the bottom the bites slowly slowed and I could see fish on the surface in numbers. I got my 6ft stalking rod out and went off with minimum gear in search of the fish.

I walked down into the shallow end of the lake and it was covered in lily pads, and along with the lilies there were many carp taking in the afternoon sun. I attached a dog biscuit to a size 8 hook and hid behind a small bush by the side of the swim. I could see many low 20s and doubles but I wanted to catch this big old mirror and I knew if I sat there and waited he would turn up. As I finished thinking that the old warrior slowly drifted in front of me within a ft from the bank. I dropped the biscuit on his nose and when I saw his pecks fly up I knew he would be mine and as if it was slow motion he slurped down the biscuit and I stuck and I was in.


Syncro XT: It gets the job done!

He bolted straight into a big patch of lily pads and I knew I would have to get in the lake if I had any chance of getting this beauty in.

The ESP Syncro mainline cut through the pads and after a long battle in the lake I finally put the net under him and I looked into the net to make sure it was him and I was so happy to see it was the mirror!’