A Couple of Christchurch Stunners for Sean

Sean Leverett popped over to Linch Hill’s Christchurch lake last week and was awarded with a couple of stunning looking mirrors.

“Both fish were caught using the multi rig bottom bait rig again but with a snowman hook bait. (For a detailed video on this rig see below!) I was using 25lb ESP Strip-Teaze Two-Tone in silt black, a size 5 Stiff Rigger and the Ejector Lead safety clips.

These were fished a around 70yards just in front of a wall of weed and were baited with mixed Krill boilie, matching pellet and a seed mix that i make up myself.”

Sean Leverett’s Modified Multi-Rig

ESP Consultant Dave Ellyatt is joined by big-fish hunter Sean Leverett who has had great success with his variation of the Multi-Rig. In this exclusive video for ESP, Sean shows us how he does it!