Autumn campaign kicks of in style for Darryl!

Darryl Dunn took advantage of the good conditions last week with some excellent on Bundy’s pit. Top angling mate!


“I have recently returned from an unusually long session for me. I was able to do a 4 night stint on Bundys pit. With the weather having turned a little more Autumnal recently I had a feeling the fish would be starting to drop into the deeper water, and looking at the long range weather forecast I had just the area in mind. I found spots I was happy with in about 26ft of water, which sounds very deep but in Bundys terms that’s only really classed a mid depth.

I used a combination of hinged stiff rigs using my favourite size 5 stiff riggers, 25lb stiff rig filament and a 25lb two-tone boom. As well as a bottom bait rig again using the 25lb silt two-tone tied to a size 5 curve. I ended up catching 3 30’s 2 high 20’s and a couple of low 20lb fish along with 7 tench.

All in all I would say it could be classed as a very successful start to my autumn campaign on the deep pit.”