Twilight Surface 30 for Michael

Michael Stewart caught this cracking 31lb 5oz mirror the other day, lovely fish and a top bit of angling to catch it. Here’s Michael’s account:


Attached photo of a 31lb 5oz floater caught mirror from a Cambs. syndicate, my first surface caught 30 too. It nailed the hook bait just as the light was beginning to fade last Friday. Caught on a single cut down pop up as the birdlife was making feeding mixers a no-go.  Using a ESP size 8 Big-T hook , an ESP 10g controller float with Drennan 10lb supplex mainline and a 5′ Drennan double strength 10lb fly leader hook length.

It was also my first time trying the Supplex as I saw it in the shop I work at whilst browsing around the shop floor (Angling Direct Norwich) and thought it looked and felt spot on for a bit of floater work and it performed very well under pressure. Very impressed with the line.

For more information on ESP Carp Controllers, as used by Michael, click here.